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Material Innovations Inc.

15801 Chemical Lane

Huntington Beach, Ca  92649

Phone: 714 373-3070

Fax: 714 373-3091


Electromagnetic (EMI) coatings

Text Box: Text Box: Nano Coatings On Kapton Film (0.0014” Thick)
Text Box: Ni-Nano Fiber Coating Constituent
Text Box: Ni-Nano Platelet Coating Constituent
Text Box: SCAS w/ Nano Fill Coated Composite Enclosure

MII has produced a series of novel nano-filled silver colloidal (SCAS) coatings that provide high shielding effectiveness over a broad frequency range with coating thicknesses less than 0.0017”.  The performance of these coatings alone exceeds 60 db of attenuation; and as applied to graphite composite enclosures and substrates, the attenuation  greatly exceeds 75 db in both waveguide and aperture tests.

Optimization of the binders, nano-filled constituents, and filler morphology has enabled these coatings to meet or exceed avionic system requirements.



Text Box: 26” X 26” Kapton Coated Aperture Panel
Text Box: EMI Anechoic Test Chamber

The coating technology enables lightweight composite enclosures and hardware to be utilized in high EMI environments.  Atmospheric deposition assures that recurring cost is very low and is typically only a few percent of the hardware cost.